The 1st rule of camera confidence

camera confidence Dec 10, 2021

I’m curious to know if you truly desire to show up through video but the thought almost cripples you, because if that’s you, believe me when I say you’re not alone.

Unfortunately for most, hopping on camera and being seen is a terrifying prospect. I mean, you have to remember words, not go blank, make sense, look good, sound good, get it all perfect in one take and the list goes on.

Well… at least that is what most people think is supposed to happen.

We only think this way because we’ve spent a lot of time watching perfectly scripted people on TV who’ve had many many bites at the cherry (they do TONNES of takes) and with great editors to boot.

Not only that but they look fabulous and sound amazing. 

If you’ve ever watched one of my presentations online you’ve probably see Shaun The Sheep… and for very good reason! I use him to illustrate finding your own style and not being afraid to be different from the herd.

First thing’s first - you absolutely must stop comparing yourself to others. Newsreaders, actors and actresses - they’re all fed lines (and you can actually be fed lines too with the help of a teleprompter).

You don’t need to look like HER or sound like HIM or have the fabulous expensive backdrop.

You need a little audio know-how, some great lighting (achievable for everyone) and then, you just need to be YOU.

You being you is by far the most important and compelling part of the whole entire video.

I know you’re probably tired of your own voice and self-critical about your own imperfections… but the honest truth is that NOBODY else sees them and better still, even if they do, nobody else cares!! They want to hear that different tone in your voice. They want to know you through your sense of style. They want to hear your awkward giggle or your thoughts on a topic.

And… as I so profoundly stated in my Reel (that, might I add, did quite well on Instagram): if they’re going to talk about you, they’re going to do it regardless of whether or not you are great.

Being confident on camera comes less from everything external and more from everything internal. If you can learn to be confident within yourself - the excuses and reasons you find now not to show up will no longer hinder you.

The more you do it, the more you realise that those things really don’t matter.

Remember, small screens have a BIG impact!

Rebecca x

PS. If you're not yet following me on Insta, click here or find me @therebeccasaunders

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