Are you building your empire?

Apr 19, 2021

I often pride myself on the fact that I surround myself with big picture thinkers who are driven and capable, looking to leave their mark and make an impact on the world around them.

This kind of thinking isn’t afforded to everybody (although I do know that it can be learnt). That being said, if you are on my blog or (better yet) my email list there is a good chance that you’re a big picture thinker too. You like to dream about the possibilities and you take action on your goals and dreams.

But... sometimes we can get stuck in the day-to-day running of our businesses or the minutiae of our roles within our company. It can be difficult to find the time and space to breathe, dream and create.

If you identify as an expansive and driven person you will no doubt be building towards something. Something powerful.

So today I want to ask you - are you doing the things required to build your empire?

If big impact is your goal then you must take big action.

Are you having big conversations?

Are you going out of your way to meet new people and extend and expand your network?

Are you investing in industry events - online and in person?

Are you supporting the foundation of what you’re building with systems and processes?

Are you creating visibility for yourself and your company?

Are you doing things that might be uncomfortable but are absolutely necessary?

I may not be able to help you with every single one of these questions but I do know that small screens have a big impact… and more importantly, they’re not going anywhere.

Over the past five years I have seen social media create more and more creative ways to leverage video and every media site and hopefully your website is incorporating video more and more!

Pushing the ‘Go Live’ button on your Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn page is an incredible step towards a bigger impact!

An educational or informational series is another powerful step towards visibility.

A brand video for your website header tells your story and drives a stake into the ground that says “Here I am. Do you align with us? Let us help you”.

There are so many ways to show up and build your empire.

It starts with you and it starts today - remember it's either 'one day' or 'day one', the choice is yours.


Stay Camera Confident!

Rebecca x


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