3 ways to increase your video reach!
Apr 08, 2022
Right now, video is hands down the best way to engage and connect with your audience. But, the downside is that it can be quite costly to produce compared to other forms of marketing material.
Fear not though, with a little creativity and insider knowledge, you can seriously increase your video reach and maximise your video budget in the process.
Here are my top 3 ways to increase your video reach in 2022:
1. Play on YouTube
YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and it’s owned by the world’s biggest (Google), so if there’s just one place to put your videos for maximum video reach, it is YouTube.
Over five billion videos are viewed on YouTube everyday, so it’s vital that you optimise your video for search when uploading it to your YouTube channel. And when it comes to SEO for video, titles and descriptions are vital.
Ensure your videos are tagged with relevant keywords, have a unique keyword title and descriptions which accurately explain the content. This will help Google web crawlers to allow Google to make sense of your video, index it correctly, and help users who are looking for similar content find it.
Once uploaded to YouTube, use these few tips to increase your views:
- embedding your video on your website or landing page
- encouraging viewers to subscribe to your channel
- creating playlists to keep viewers watching your content for longer
- giving your videos eye-catching thumbnails
2. Upload natively on social
Native video formats are specific to each social platform and are designed to maximise your videos’ engagement. Put simply, a native video is a video that has been directly uploaded, or created within a social media platform, and played in-feed. Uploading your video natively into a platform increases views, discovery and distribution.
It isn’t a link to videos hosted on other sites – such as YouTube or Vimeo.
If you’re creating a video within a social platform, such as a Facebook Live or an Instagram Story, this content is already considered native.
If you’ve created your own video, or had one created by a video agency, you’ll need to upload your video .mp4 file into your chosen social platform. This can be done in exactly the same way as you’d upload and share a photo.
In order to fully maximise views, discovery and distribution of your native video, be sure to:
- give your video an SEO friendly title
- create and upload a custom thumbnail for your video
- add an engaging captions to the post
- include relevant tags and hashtags
3. Repurpose your video
Whilst video increases engagement, supports SEO and tells a story quicker than text, it does take a considerable amount more time, money and energy to create. The good news is that video is extremely dynamic and with a little creativity can be repurposed into other marketing mediums to extend your video reach and the budget you invested creating it.
This is why creating a video strategy is so important!
As a starting point, think about:
- transcribing your video to create a blog post or eBook
- ripping the audio from your video to create a podcast
- cutting longer videos into shorter versions
- reposting your video at different times across a selection of social platforms
- taking graphics from an animation and making them standalone images
- turning sentences or key messages into tweets or inspirational quote graphics
As you can see, video is a great strategy for your business but you need to do it right. To help you on your path forward I have a brand new Business Video Checklist for you! 6 videos you didn’t know you needed… until now!
Stay Camera Confident
Rebecca x