How to increase views by 40%
Apr 29, 2022Have you heard the saying ‘small hinges swing big doors’?
I’ve got a small hinge for you today (a tip) that’s going to help you swing that big door (leverage your video)!
With video being so prevalent on social media and really in our day to day life, we need to ask the question - how do we maximise viewership in order to share our message and give our customer what they need through the medium that they’re favouring?
You see, Facebook has found that 85% of videos are watched on mute. Given that they have a massive amount of data on a large cross-section of people, I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that this behaviour is also applicable on Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and the like… with the exception of perhaps YouTube.
So if people are watching without sound and we’ve put all of this effort into scripting, high quality audio, studio time and even the content itself that we’re delivering, we need to ensure that people are ‘hearing’ it... even with the sound off!
The answer to this is that we need to be captioning all of our videos! It can be a little tedious if you don’t have someone to do it for you, but it’s well worth the effort.
PLYMedia did a study which measured a 40% increase in views of videos with captions. Not only that, but they also found that viewers were 80% more likely to watch a video to the end when captions were made available.
So if your videos are getting 1000 views, imagine having an extra 400 people see it simply because you took the time to caption. Of that 400, some may share it again increasing exposure, some may be your ideal client ready to hear more from you and some may even reach out and become your customer.
Never underestimate the power of a small tweak and the value that it can bring to your business.
If you haven’t yet grabbed the DIY Filming Guide for Business Leaders, Course Creators & Speakers, then download it today! This is by far the best free resource I’ve put together and I want you to grab it and use it so you can start making valuable videos for your community.
Stay Camera Confident
Rebecca x