Lessons learnt taking a global corporate virtual - fast!


My guest today is one of my favourite clients, Chris Britton, Chief Marketing Offer of Objective. Objective is a global software company that managed to pivot their huge 2021 annual conference to virtual in just 2 weeks due to snap lockdowns. 

This interview was taken from my Nailing Virtual conference in August, where we took a deep dive into the lessons learned and discussed just how Objective navigated the global transition to virtual.

In this episode, Chris talks about how Objective uses our global videography crew to create high quality case studies, and how this process helped them transition to producing a high caliber virtual event. We talk about the value of pre-recording, how Chris prepared his team for the transition, repurposing content and loads more. 

There are so many valuable takeaways from this episode as Chris shares some of his biggest learnings throughout the transition from live to virtual. 

Topics discussed:

[2:40]: Chris introduces himself and describes the work that Objective does in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. 

[4:00]: The huge annual events at Objective and how they had to go virtual last year due to Covid. This year, they had to completely rethink the virtual event without the use of the studio due to lockdowns. 

[6:00]: Chris talks about how they rethought everything and got really clear on the core messages they wanted people to receive. Last year everything was recorded live, which added a lot of pressure. This year they decided to do a lot of pre-recorded sessions. 

[8:10]: Pre-recording requires the speaker to have absolute clarity on what they are saying, which isn’t always the case in a live setting. 

[9:00]: Chris talks about preparing his team for the pre-records and asking people to rehearse and watch themselves on camera. The Corporate Marketing team also worked hard to include extra segments, slides and case studies from clients. 

[11:30]: Objective has a standard process to reach out to their clients for case studies and run them through the process of filming. All the customers have enjoyed the process. 

[13:50]: Working with a global videography crew ensures the quality of footage and editing has continuity. They are like an extension of the Objective team. 

[15:00]: Due to lockdowns, they shifted their plans from filming at the Star Casino to filming at home across a few countries. Rebecca shipped webcams to everyone, they tested for consistency of quality and ran the team through the process of what to expect. 

[17:00]: They didn’t want to shy away from it looking like people were at home, but they worked on presentation, and ensuring speakers got to the point quickly. 

[17:50]: Pre-recording was the biggest lesson learned for Chris. It takes the pressure off and you can still do a mixed medium. You also need to include break time and bring home the point that people need to prepare.

[19:20]: The importance of producing content that lives beyond the live show so that it can be repurposed over and over again. 

[21:50]: The in-person internal event cost approx $500k but doing everything virtual means that the ROI is high because of how the footage can be repurposed. 

[23:30]: Chris’ golden advice is to make sure people realise it’s not a live event. He tells people to get rid of PowerPoint and write on paper a summary of what they will say and how they want people to feel.

Links & Resources:

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